Slow Motion Cures Commotion

"Slow motion cures commotion" is a poem and potent teaching from Zen master Paul Reps.

The frenetic activity of summer begins to distill into the essence of autumn. We have a moment of pause in the Earth season, here between Fire and Metal.

I am seeking out ways to slow down in my life and in my practice. When don't I need to be quick and efficient? An existential question for a Vata Pitta.

Sometimes it's getting out of the car slowly, being mindful of my posture. When my mind is frenetic, I have been connecting to the earth. Focusing my mind where my body touches the ground to be in the sensations of the here and now.

I return to the fundamentals of meditation, which are anything but basic. Repeating a mantra with my breath as I meditate. Returning to my body when I drift into past or future day dreams. Seeking out group practices to cultivate community connection and inspiration. Finding the support I need to practice just as I am right now.

I highly recommend Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, a beautiful book with translations and interpretations by Paul Reps. He had a special connection with my teacher and spent time at Shoshoni.